Dental Hygiene Practitioners (DHP) are different from Registered Dental Hygienists (RDH) as they have been awarded a different title by the BC College of Oral Health Professionals. This accreditation allows DHP professionals to work independently of a dental practice. In short, we can treat you directly, and if we see anything that requires a dentist, we have the authority to make a recommendation for you to see one as soon as possible. When you see me, you are receiving the professional services of an  Independent DHP. You can rely on me for your regular dental cleanings which include taking your health history, exam, dental hygiene diagnosis, scaling, polish, fluoride and oral hygiene instruction. If your teeth are sensitive during cleanings, you can also receive local anesthetic. You will first get a thorough exam and a treatment plan that will include a personalized recommended dental cleaning schedule. If there are any dental issues then I will let you know so you can book an appointment with your family dentist or help you find one.