The Urban Dental Clinic at the Canadian Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Healthcare delivers low cost urgent dental care to low income uninsured Torontonians. Volunteer dentists and hygienists offer their time and skills to care for the needs of vulnerable members of our community who have nowhere else to turn. Many of our patients are new immigrants, refugees or undocumented workers who are struggling financially to make ends meet and having to make difficult decisions on how to spend their finances. Our goal is to provide high quality equitable dental care with compassion and respect. Many of our patients have expressed how accessing dental care through our clinic has improved their quality of life by taking care of their pain and in many cases giving them back their confidence by improving their smile Our knowledgeable reception team will assess callers eligibility for our program and book them with a dentist. Our team endeavours to help all enquiries and will help patients navigate other possible resources that might be helpful to them.